
Energy Solutions

Author name: Admin ES

 How to reduce energy usage

 How to reduce energy usage If you’re looking to reduce your business’s energy usage, the first and most important step that many companies forget about is to find out how much energy you’re actually using. Calculating your energy usage allows you to see a rough average of how much energy you use in a month – or you can calculate it for other periods of time depending on what’s most useful for your business. For example, if your company is very seasonal, then it may be more helpful to look at an annual average to account for fluctuations in energy use.  Once you’ve established how much energy your business actually uses, you can get a rough idea of how much you need or would like to reduce that figure by, which gives you something to aim for when making changes within the company. Below, we look at a variety of business changes that could help you to save money on your energy bills. How to reduce energy costs in business The less energy you use, the lower your bills will be – and it’s also better for the environment. Whatever your motivations are, reducing your energy usage can be very beneficial for business. Not all techniques will work well for all types of businesses, so it’s a good idea to pick and choose which methods are achievable and suitable for you. Remember, you can always start small at first and work your way up to bigger changes. Consider working locations If your business works out of office space or a similar set-up, then the majority of your energy costs will come from powering equipment, keeping your employees comfortable and providing the necessary facilities all workplaces should have. Therefore, it’s worth considering whether it would be feasible to introduce a work from home (WFH) policy.  Value that in-office feeling? Instead of going fully WFH, think about a hybrid arrangement, where your employees work from home on some days and the office on others. If you have everyone in on certain days and the office empty on others, that would allow you to save considerably on lighting and heating or air conditioning on those days when nobody is at the office. Even if you have it staggered so that there’s always a group of employees at the office, you’d still make savings on appliance usage, and you may even be able to switch to a smaller office which would be less expensive and easier to heat or cool.  Switch things off when not in use Many businesses lose money through simple inefficiencies – and energy inefficiency is no exception. One simple thing that can make a big difference is to switch off appliances when they’re not in use – whether it’s your employees’ individual devices or communal items such as printers or kitchenware. It sounds easy enough to do, but if you have a lot of appliances to account for, it becomes a bigger task to go around every night making sure they’re all switched off. For this reason, it could be a good idea to get your employees involved and create a ‘closing’ checklist to make sure everything that can be safely turned off is.  This concept doesn’t just apply to appliances, but also to other culprits for energy usage – namely your lighting and your heating. Installing motion-sensor lighting can be a great way to save energy without anyone having to change their behaviour, which can be particularly useful if your team has got into bad habits.  As for your heating and cooling systems, making sure that they’re not running when nobody’s in the office is a good way to cut a hefty chunk out of your energy costs. Just remember that you’ll need to keep your heating on standby while you’re not around in the winter months. This means it’ll heat your building just enough to prevent the pipes from freezing, which would entail a far costlier repair job than the running costs of having your heating on low.  Check your hardware Another excellent way to reduce costs without anyone having to change their habits is to make sure all of your appliances are energy efficient. Calculating the energy cost of a given appliance is simple, and doing so can open your eyes to huge potential savings in the long term. For example, imagine that you currently have a 600W fridge at your workplace. To run it for 365 days with an energy cost of 30 pence per kilowatt-hour (kWh) would cost you £1,576.80. Meanwhile, a 500W fridge would cost £1,314 per year on the same rate.  Making that switch would save you over £250 per year, and that’s just a single appliance. Scale this up across your whole business and you could be looking at considerable savings. This is particularly true for situations where you have multiples of a given appliance – for example, employee laptops and monitors. Even if you only make a £10 saving per year by upgrading a laptop, for example, multiply that by 50 employees and you would actually save £500 a year! There are lots of ways you can make changes to reduce your energy costs and usage as a business, and many apply to the home as well. Of course, reducing your energy usage is only one way to get your business energy bills down. You might also benefit from researching deals for business electricity and gas to see if you could pay a smaller fee per unit of energy. Why not get started today and see how much you could save? 

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Can I cancel my energy switch?

Can I cancel my energy switch? Switching your energy supplier or tariff can be a great way to cut down on your energy bills and save money, whether you’re the owner of a business or you want to spend less at home. Unfortunately, though, it’s not always the best course of action which is why it’s so important to make a considered choice when deciding whether to switch energy supplier.  If you’ve ended up with a deal that isn’t what you thought it would be, you might be wondering whether it’s possible to cancel the switch before you’re in too deep. Keep reading to find out your options. The rules regarding cancelling an energy supplier switch are different depending on whether you’re a domestic energy customer or you’re looking for a business energy supplier. In both cases, however, you will still be able to switch your energy supplier at all times – it’s just that you may need to pay a termination fee to do so if you’re at a stage in your contract where you’re not allowed to switch freely.  Is it possible to cancel an energy supplier switch? Your energy supplier will be able to let you know if you need to pay a fee to switch suppliers or tariffs. It’s worth noting that if you’re switching because of poor service, you were misled about the terms of your contract or another complaint, a termination fee might be waived. However, this isn’t always the case. How to cancel your energy switch The actual process for cancelling an energy switch is very similar whether you’re a business energy or domestic energy customer, though there are some key differences. There may also be some slight variation in the exact procedure depending on your supplier. Here’s what you’ll likely need to do. Cancelling a domestic energy switch Energy suppliers are generally aware that customers can sometimes change their minds about their choice of domestic energy supplier, so there are processes in place to cancel a switch if needed. If you’ve decided you want to cancel your switch or switch to another provider, you should let them know as soon as possible. Important! When we talk about getting in touch with your supplier to cancel a switch, it’s your new supplier you should speak to, not your old one. It can be confusing to talk about suppliers interms of old and new if there are multiple switches involved. For the purposes of this guide, your new supplier is the supplier you originally switched to, but now want to switch from or change your tariff with. If the switch to your new supplier hasn’t gone through yet, then the supplier will block it from going ahead and you’ll remain with your old supplier. It’s then up to you if you want to stay with them or switch to an alternative supplier.  If the switch has gone through, you’ll usually have a 14-day cooling off period during which you can switch again – either back to your old supplier or to someone else – without having to pay any fees. Once you’ve signalled you want to switch, your new supplier will be in touch to let you know your options – and from that point onwards you have 15 days to agree to a new contract with any supplier of your choosing. If you choose your old supplier, you’ll typically have to agree to ‘equivalent terms’, which means you’ll be agreeing to terms and conditions very similar to those you had in your original contract. If you don’t make a decision before the end of those 15 days, you’ll be moved onto what’s called a ‘deemed’ contract with your new supplier. This is a standard variable tariff and will almost always be more expensive than a fixed tariff, so it’s in your best interests to get things sorted before that deadline. While you’re weighing up your options before agreeing to a new contract, your new supplier is obliged to continue to supply you with energy, so you won’t be cut off – but you will have to pay your contract rates for everything you use.  Want to switch energy suppliers after your cooling off period has finished? This is a little more complicated, and you may have to pay a fee to leave your contract early. Get in touch with your new supplier to find out your options. Cancelling a business energy switch The process for cancelling a business energy switch is similar, but it’s worth noting that the majority of business gas and electricity contracts don’t include a cooling off period, meaning you may be more likely to need to pay a fee if you want to change suppliers after your switch has gone through.  If you’re at all unsure about what the protocol is for switching business energy suppliers, you should get in touch with your current supplier to find out everything you need to know.

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How to calculate the energy cost of an appliance

How to calculate the energy cost of an appliance If you’re looking to shave money off your electricity bill, there are two key ways in which you may be able to do it. These are: In practice, it’s generally a good idea to look into both of these avenues, as there could be significant savings to be made. Here, though, we’ll focus on one way you can make changes to use less energy. Keep reading to learn more. Why calculate energy usage by appliance? Everyone knows that reducing the amount of energy we use is important, not only for cutting down costs but also for helping the environment. But sometimes that advice can feel paralysing – exactly how can we use less energy? This is especially the case if you’ve already tried certain measures, such as turning off sockets when they’re not in use, switching off the lights when you leave the room and making sure not to overcharge devices. Fortunately, there is an evidence-based way to identify changes that you could make to reduce energy consumption in the long term, and that’s to look at how much energy your appliances go through when in use. Even if you only use your washing machine, for example, when you’ve got a full load to save energy, the appliance still has to consume energy at some point in order to function. Calculating how much energy it uses allows you to compare different makes and models of a given appliance to see if there’s a better alternative for your bills.  Luckily, this is a technique that anyone can use to help reduce their utility costs, whether you’re looking to save money on business electricity or domestic energy. In each case, calculating appliance energy usage can help you to save money on energy bills so you can spend it where it really matters, such as recruiting staff or treating your loved ones. How to calculate appliance energy usage Every appliance comes with information about how much energy it consumes in an hour – a figure measured in Watts (W). For example, you might have a 40W light bulb. Similarly, your electricity is sold to you at a given rate per unit, where a unit is one kilowatt-hour (1kWh). This is how much it will cost you to use 1,000W for a duration of an hour. Therefore, in order to calculate how much an appliance costs to run, you need to know the price you pay for electricity per unit, the wattage of the appliance in question and how long you typically use it for over whatever period of time you want to use. For illustrative purposes, we’ll look at the cost per day, but you could also use this calculation to find out how much an appliance costs you per week, per month or per year. This may be more useful for appliances that you don’t use every day, as it gives you a more realistic view of what you can expect to pay on average. So, let’s say you have a 500W fridge. The first step is to convert from watts into kilowatts – so divide the wattage by 1,000.  500W / 1,000 = 0.5kW Next, you need to think about how many hours you’d expect to use the appliance in the time period you’re calculating figures for. We would expect to have a fridge running for 24 hours in a day, so we need to multiply our kilowattage by 24 to get the amount of energy used in that time. 0.5kW x 24 = 12kWh So, that means that our fridge uses 12 kilowatt-hours of electricity in a day. Now we need to know how much we pay per kWh and multiply that by the figure we just got. For this, we’ll use an example of 30 pence per kWh.  12kWh x £0.30 = £3.60 Therefore, running our fridge for a day would cost roughly £3.60. If we were to switch to a lower wattage fridge, we could save money on our energy bills – but it’s always worth taking into account other factors when making decisions on which appliances to have. For example, another fridge might cost a bit more to run, but incorporate additional desirable features like a water dispenser or a touchscreen display. If that’s something you want, you need to take it into account.  It’s also worth considering other aspects of energy efficiency. For example, let’s say there are two washing machines which have the same wattage, but one can finish a wash quicker than the other. Because it’s in use for a shorter period of time, it costs less to run overall than the machine that uses a longer cycle. If you wanted to find out how much your fridge cost to run for a month, you could estimate this by multiplying your daily cost by 28 to get a rough idea. For items that aren’t used all the time, though, you’re better off calculating how many hours on average you use it for during a month and using that figure rather than how many hours in a day. This will give you a more accurate figure with which to calculate energy usage.

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Should I switch energy suppliers?

Should I switch energy suppliers? Switching your energy supplier has the potential to be a positive change for you – but that’s not always the case. Whether you’re looking to switch your tariff for domestic or commercial usage, it’s a big decision that deserves a good amount of forethought in order to get the best results for you.  Below, we discuss the benefits and drawbacks of switching your energy supplier. Should I change energy suppliers? In part, the decision of whether or not to change your energy supplier should depend on the experience you’re currently having. You might already have the best possible deal for your needs – but it’s always a good idea to keep an eye on the tariffs available so that you can decide whether to switch if a better option appears. Reasons for There are many ways in which switching your energy supplier can be a good thing.  Switching your energy supplier can allow you to access a better rate than what you’re currently paying. For example, if you are currently on a variable tariff, you may find a fixed rate tariff available that saves you money.  You should always research energy deals carefully, as some deals may appear cheaper but actually be more expensive in practice. For example, a fixed price tariff may be the cheapest option available now, but if the base rate cost of energy goes down, variable rates could cost you less in the long term. Conversely, if the base rates increase, your energy bill might go up considerably on a variable tariff, but stay where they are on a fixed tariff. For this reason, the decision to switch energy suppliers shouldn’t be taken lightly.  If you’ve had a less-than-pleasing customer experience with your current supplier, then switching to a different one could help you to get the experience you deserve. There are also other perks that could be unique to a given company – or that company simply does them best. This might include special offers, customer loyalty rewards or support packages to make the transition as smooth as possible. Some suppliers can even be more environmentally responsible than others. Lots of people assume that switching energy suppliers is a hassle that they’d rather avoid, even if it means paying more than they need to for their gas and electricity. In reality, switching energy suppliers is simple, and doesn’t take long.  First, you compare energy prices to find the best tariff for you. Then you process the change, informing your existing supplier and the new one that you’d like to switch. Finally, the switch goes through – in most cases with no interruptions to your supply – and you begin paying your new rate. Usually, it takes around three weeks from start to finish to switch energy suppliers, so you could be reaping the benefits sooner than you think. Reasons against If all we’ve said above is true, why should you even think about not switching? Well, there are some circumstances in which it’s best to stay where you are. This includes situations where… Depending on how long it’s been since you started your current energy tariff, you might find that there simply isn’t a better option available on the market. Don’t just consider price – remember that other factors such as customer service, support facilities and the types of energy available can all affect whether a tariff is the best choice for your needs. For example, if you’re environmentally conscious, you might prefer to pay slightly more in order to support an energy supplier that shares your values.  Usually, when you switch energy suppliers, you’ll keep the same hardware – pipes, mains connections and meters. However, there are some situations where your current meter might not be compatible with a different supplier, meaning there may be additional complications associated with switching to new hardware.  In many cases, switching can help you to change your energy bills for the better, but it’s always important to check and double check the changes you’re making to ensure they really are as good as they seem. It’s the best way to save time and money in the long run.

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A woman uses a calculator at her desk while looking at a lightbulb and a pile of coins.

How to calculate energy usage?

How to calculate energy usage? Many people find that energy costs are one of their biggest bills, whether that’s for domestic energy needs or a commercial venture. Knowing how much energy you’re using is the first step towards making a change to achieve lower bills in the future- but how can you find out how much energy you use? How to measure energy usage The simplest and most accurate way to see how much energy you’re consuming is to use an energy monitor or smart meter. These devices monitor how much gas and electricity is being used in real time, allowing you to see your energy usage on a simple display screen. Some will let you know how much your bills could amount to based on current levels of usage and even allow you to look at past data (e.g. the last month or the last week) to see how your usage changes over time. If you don’t have an energy monitor or smart meter device, don’t worry. You can still track your energy usage, but you may have to do so manually. When your energy bills come through, the details should include information about the price you pay per unit of energy and the total cost, allowing you to calculate how much energy you’ve used. All you need to do is divide the total cost of your electricity usage by the price per unit and that will tell you how many units of electricity you’ve used over the period that bill covers. Do the same with your gas bill to get a fuller picture. Why calculate energy usage? When you calculate your energy usage in terms of the number of units used instead of how much it costs, you give yourself a fair measure to work with. Over time, energy costs can fluctuate, meaning that the price per unit changes. Comparing your total energy costs one year with those of the following year may not be a fair comparison to evaluate your usage- because £1 might not buy the same amount of energy from one year to the next. That’s where measuring your actual usage comes in. One unit of energy is the same no matter how much time passes, so measuring these units allows you to compare your energy consumption fairly to understand whether you’ve used more or less energy than you did previously. Why would you want to know that? Well, lowering your energy usage is often an excellent way to reduce your energy bills and save money. If you have an idea of how much energy you’re using, you can begin to understand which of your energy habits are costing you the most and cut down accordingly to reduce costs. Measuring your energy usage month after month can then help you to see whether you’re staying on track. Another reason some people measure their energy usage is so they can conserve environmental resources. By using less energy, you place less of a burden on the environment and therefore help to preserve the planet and the environment for future generations. Finally, calculating your total energy usage can be an important first step in making decisions about your energy supplier. Whether you’re a business owner in need of gas and electricity, or you’re searching for the best energy deal for your home, you likely have a budget of how muchmoney you can afford to set aside for energy costs. Knowing how much energy you’re currently using can give you insight into the maximum price per unit you can afford to pay, helping to narrow down the most appropriate suppliers for you. This means you can budget for the amount of energy you currently use while, if you choose to do so, making efforts in the meantime to reduce your overall usage.

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Why you need an experienced Broker for switching Suppliers?

Why you need an experienced Broker for switching Suppliers? Before agreeing on a contract, contact the supplier you already must see what they can offer compared to other providers. You can use a comparison website or phone different energy suppliers to see what other providers are offering. You can also use energy brokers who can negotiate a contract for a fee. If you use a broker: Ask which suppliers they represent so you know if they can offer a full-market comparison. Make sure you are clear on the terms of their service. For example, they may charge a one-off finder’s fee or integrate their fee as part of a commission agreement in a contract you choose to sign up to. See GOV.UK’s advice on https://www.gov.uk/unfair-terms-in-sales-contracts For instant comparison click her. To get appointment click here.

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Information you need to switch business energy

Information you need to switch business energy It’s useful to have the following information: Your postcode, the name of your current supplier and contract, the terms of your current business energy contract, including the contract end date and any notice periods. Your postcode, the name of your current supplier and contract, the terms of your current business energy contract, including the contract end date and any notice periods. If you aren’t sure about your current supply details, visit- https://energysolution16uk.udcloudpcw.co.uk/ For instant comparison click her. To get appointment click here.

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Determine the Right Time to Change Your Business Energy Provider

Determine the Right Time to Change Your Business Energy Provider You can typically explore the option of switching your business energy provider under the following circumstances:You are currently on a contract that you did not actively choose, such as a deemed energy contract. These contracts are commonly associated with new business premises or when a fixed-term contract expires, and you have not yet committed to a new energy agreement.Your existing business energy contract has reached its expiration date, and there are no binding terms or obligations keeping you with your current provider. It’s essential to review your contract terms and, if uncertain about the notice period, communicate with your supplier.If you encounter any challenges or resistance from your current energy supplier when attempting to switch, please click on the link below for assistance. We are here to help you navigate the process. For instant comparison click her. To get appointment click here.

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The new energy price cap level starts today

The new energy price cap level starts today Update from OFGEMStarting from October 1, 2023, energy suppliers are subject to a maximum charge of £1,834 per year for a standard household paying via Direct Debit on default tariffs. This pricing structure applies from October 1 to December 31, 2023. However, the amount you ultimately pay depends on factors like your actual household energy consumption, location, meter type, and payment method. For the period spanning October 1 to December 31, 2023, the energy price cap rates are as follows: Electricity Rates:If you are on a standard variable tariff (default tariff) and pay for your electricity via Direct Debit, your charges will not exceed 27 pence per kWh, along with a daily standing charge of 53 pence. These rates are based on the average rates applicable in England, Scotland, and Wales and include VAT. Gas Rates:For those on a standard variable tariff (default tariff) and paying for gas through Direct Debit, the maximum charges are 7 pence per kWh and 30 pence per day for the standing charge. These rates also reflect the average rates across England, Scotland, and Wales and include VAT. To compare the price cap levels between October 1 to December 31, 2023, and the previous quarter (July 1 to September 30, 2023), you can refer to the relevant information. The energy price cap is periodically reviewed and adjusted every three months, setting the maximum prices energy suppliers can charge for each unit of energy. The rates for January to March 2024 will be published at the end of November. The energy price cap is determined using Typical Domestic Consumption Values (TDCVs), which are based on the average energy usage patterns of households in England, Scotland, and Wales. The typical household figure is akin to the energy consumption of a 2-to-3-bedroom household with 2 to 3 occupants. These calculations are valuable for estimating energy bills based on household energy usage levels (low, medium, or high). They can be employed to compare energy prices and receive estimated quotes on energy tariffs from various price comparison websites. The announcement regarding changes to the energy price cap for the period from October 1 to December 31, 2023, was made on August 25, 2023. Notably, the Typical Domestic Consumption Values have been updated to reflect reduced energy usage by households. Consequently, while the energy price cap unit rates announced on August 25 remain unchanged, the estimated annual cost for a typical household using Direct Debit for energy payments will be lower from October 1. For more details, you can read about the review and the recent changes in how Typical Domestic Consumption Values are calculated. For information on typical annual usage figures for gas, electricity single rate, and multi-rate (e.g., economy 7), as well as insights into the calculation of average gas and electricity usage, please refer to the relevant documentation. For information on typical annual usage figures for gas, electricity single rate, and multi-rate (e.g., economy 7), as well as insights into the calculation of average gas and electricity usage, please refer to the relevant documentation. The announcement regarding changes to the energy price cap for the period from October 1 to December 31, 2023, was made on August 25, 2023. Notably, the Typical Domestic Consumption Values have been updated to reflect reduced energy usage by households. Consequently, while the energy price cap unit rates announced on August 25 remain unchanged, the estimated annual cost for a typical household using Direct Debit for energy payments will be lower from October 1. For more details, you can read about the review and the recent changes in how Typical Domestic Consumption Values are calculated. For instant comparison click her. To get appointment click here.

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Changes to energy price cap between 1 October to 31 December 2023

Changes to energy price cap between 1 October to 31 December 2023 The maximum allowable rates for energy suppliers to charge per unit of energy undergo a periodic review every three months. Starting from October 1, 2023, there will be a decrease in the annual energy cost for a typical household that uses both gas and electricity and pays through Direct Debit, bringing it down to £1,923 per year.The adjustment in the energy price cap considers the energy consumption patterns of an average household. More information about typical household energy consumption and the methodology used to calculate the price cap can be found on our page explaining average gas and electricity usage.The energy price cap is determined by various components, including the wholesale costs of gas and electricity, network supply costs, and VAT. Under the energy price cap, energy suppliers are allotted a margin for profit, excluding interest and taxes, above and beyond their energy supply costs.Starting from October 1, 2023, this profit margin allowance will increase by an average of £10 per customer annually. Ensuring reasonable profits is crucial for the energy sector as it enables suppliers to invest in improving customer service and care. It also allows them to use pre-tax income to offset potential increases in energy prices, reducing the risk of insolvency. This reasonable profit allowance aims to enhance financial stability among energy suppliers and safeguard consumers in the future.You can review the price cap levels for October to December 2023 and compare them with those from July to September 2023. Additional information about the price cap policy is available.For individuals who use prepayment meters to pay for their energy, there are policy changes effective from October 1, 2023. These changes will reduce their annual costs by £42. Additionally, a 12-month allowance will be introduced to cover increased debt costs associated with providing extra support credit to individuals at risk of having their energy supply disconnected due to their inability to top up their meter.Despite these adjustments, the price cap for prepayment meters will remain higher than that for Direct Debit payments. However, the government will provide support through the Energy Price Guarantee until the end of March 2024 to bridge this difference. Beyond that period, thegovernment is seeking input on how to equalize standing charges for those using prepayment meters or Direct Debit payments. This change is expected to be implemented by April 2024. Your feedback on this matter is welcome through the standing charges lateralization consultation. For instant comparison click her. To get appointment click here.

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